PRO Services in Dubai, UAE

Public Relations Officer who is also designated as Government Liaison Officer performs the activities related to the processing of government documents, legal papers and all other documentation works associated with company formation in UAE. The PRO performs a plethora of services. Some of them are employee-oriented and others purely related to company formation and operation. The registration and formation of a company in Dubai involve several legal procedures with the Dubai Economy Development. To speed up these formalities, our experienced consultants provide high-standard PRO services in UAE.

To successfully set up and manage your company formalities, you need an expert business consultant. Kiltons business service providers deliver excellent PRO services in Dubai, UAE, guiding our clients with various public relation services, visa and business procedures, and other government-related tasks. We help you at every stage of your business inception to successful running, handling a wide range of documentation clearing and PRO services in Dubai.

Our professionals work closely with the officials of the Dubai government and ministries to make your PRO activities easy. At Kiltons, we have a panel of experts well equipped with extensive knowledge about all the government rules and legal procedures to deliver professional PRO services in Dubai, assisting the clients with company formation, license, and other PR services in the Mainland and Free Zones. Recognizing the requirements and nature of your business, we provide the best PRO services in UAE that comply with all the legal regulations. We provide adept PRO services to start-ups as well as established businesses in UAE and guide entrepreneurs in different zones. You just rely on Kiltons PROs and leave all your concerns regarding your business formalities. Here are some of the most common PRO services in Dubai, UAE

The importance of effective PRO services

Legal prerequisite – A foreign employee of a company in the UAE requires a valid Resident visa and work permit which is mandatory. And these documents are also required to pursue other non-business related tasks like the opening of a bank account, acquiring an Emirates ID, getting power connection etc. PRO services are vital for the functioning of business establishments too. Any lapse or negligence from the individual or business establishment may invite fines or penalties or other unfavourable circumstances.

A time-saving service – It is always advisable for companies and business concerns to entrust the PRO related task to a business consultant. The legal formalities connected with the formation and running of a company is complex and requires a lot of time and effort in managing those. Assigning the task to an external agency will help the company concentrate on the fundamental issues.

We provide the following PRO services in UAE and Dubai. Please let us know if you have any of the below-mentioned requirements. Kilton consultants are always ready to help you.

  • Labour card and Immigration card processing tasks
  • Government approvals and NOCs
  • Ejari application
  • Application of Trade license
  • License renewal
  • Employment visa processing
  • Visa renewal
  • Document translation to Arabic
  • Notary attestation
  • Patent, Copyrights and trademarks registration

PRO benefits

Agreement with the expat rules and regulations – An individual who is new to Dubai or UAE, may find it difficult to understand the rules and regulations that prevail in the UAE concerning expats. Documentation tasks connected with business set up and visa approval can become a tedious task for first-timers. Any non-compliance with the existing rules can invite serious legal complications. When it comes to expats, it is always advisable to avail the services of a seasoned PRO to be compliant.

Our Business advisers have been setting up new businesses in UAE for years and know all the ins and outs. They will be happy to give you the advice that you need and will most likely already have experience in setting up your business type.

Regulating your expenses – In the initial days of business set up, the budget allocation can become a bit tricky. At this crucial phase, a trustworthy PRO can serve as your financial planner.

Time-saving approach – A business enterprise can either hand over the entire PRO related documentation work to an experienced PRO service provider or hire an in house staff as a PRO admin. Entrusting the job to an external agency would sort out the time and effort involved in running an in-house and full-fledged PRO department.

Cost-effective approach – Another major advantage connected with outsourcing the job to an external PRO agency is that it is cost-effective. And this includes the cost of running an in-house PRO department, in-house PRO Employee wages, the cost involved in handling the documentation and clearances etc.

Avoid unnecessary fines and penalties – UAE Federal laws regarding company formation and operation are stringent. Non-compliance with the legalities and other official formalities may lead to unpleasant scenarios like issuance of financial penalties or fines. This can delay the day-to-day functions of the company and may even tarnish the reputation of the company to a great extent. The laws and its nuances may change depending on various factors and an expat entrepreneur may not be always aware of these changes. A dedicated and experienced PRO service provider is well-informed with the amendments and changes in official formalities. The PRO service provider is also updated about the political and economic scenario prevailing in the UAE. This is a bonus as far as the business establishment is concerned. The PRO agency proactively reminds the business concern about various documentation requirements, associated fees and dues dates. This averts the unpleasant scenarios and enhances the business credibility of the company.

Transparent transactions – Transparency in conducting various official formalities is another benefit associated with entrusting the job to a credible PRO agency. The agency provides all the bills and receipts connected with various PRO services so that the entire transactions remain transparent and legal.

Business facilitator – An experienced and trustworthy PRO agency is not just an ordinary “service provider” but a valuable business facilitator. The PRO agency serves as a bridge between the business concern and the government.

Get in touch with Kiltons Business Set up Services ASAP to fulfil your business dreams in Dubai and UAE.

Why Do You Need A Business Consultant for PRO Service?

Dubai is one of the most business-friendly and investor-friendly markets in the world. However, the articulated proceedings in Dubai include a fair share of laws and procedures that will aid in the streamlining of these processes. It can be quite overwhelming to understand and follow through on these procedures, but with the help of a good business consultant, it becomes easier to abide by all the critical laws and procedures as stated by the authorities of the UAE government pertaining to Dubai.

A good business consultant in Dubai can guide you through all your PRO needs, and that is where the exceptional service rendering of Kiltons comes into play. It can be disheartening to stand in long lines and invest yourself in the time-consuming processes of business, and Kiltons will help guide you and make it feasible for you to attain the PRO documentation with ease and in a timely manner.